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Chicago Manual of Style: Periodicals (journals)

Journal Article (one author)

Marginson, Simon. "Academic Freedom: A Global Comparative Approach." 

            Frontiers Of Education In China 9, no. 1 (March 2014): 24-41. 
1 Simon Marginson, "Academic Freedom: A Global Comparative Approach," 
Frontiers Of Education In China 9, no. 1 (March 2014): page #(s).

Journal Article (two authors)

Firestone, Chaz, and Brian J. Scholl. "Can you experience ‘top-down’ effects on perception?: 

            The case of race categories and perceived lightness." Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 

            22, no. 3 (June 2015): 694-700. 
1 Chaz Firestone and Brian J. Scholl, "Can you experience ‘top-down’ effects on perception?: 
The case of race categories and perceived lightness," Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 22, no. 3 
(June 2015), page #(s). 

Journal Article (three or more authors)

Aalsma, Matthew C., et al. "Behavioral Health Care Needs, Detention-Based Care, and Criminal Recidivism at

            Community Reentry From Juvenile Detention: A Multisite Survival Curve Analysis." American Journal Of Public Health 

            105, no. 7 (July 2015): 1372-1378.
1 Matthew C.Aalsma et al., "Behavioral Health Care Needs, Detention-Based Care, 
and Criminal Recidivism at Community Reentry From Juvenile Detention: A Multisite Survival Curve Analysis,"
American Journal Of Public Health 105, no. 7 (July 2015): page #(s).

Newspaper Article

Jahn, George, and Matthew Lee. "Obama strikes historic Iran nuclear accord." South Florida Times, 

            July 26, 2015., 1A-2A.
1 George Jahn and Matthew Lee, "Obama strikes historic Iran nuclear accord," 
South Florida Times, July 26, 2015., 1A-2A. p. #(s). 
 The "p." is to distinguish page numbers from section numbers. [Example: July 26, 2015., 1A-2A. p. 2.]

Magazine Article

Rosin, Hanna. "The End of Men." Atlantic 306, no. 1 (July 2010): 56-72.

1 Hanna Rosin,"The End of Men," Atlantic 306, no. 1, July 2010, page #(s).