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Literature Research & Critical Theory

This guide is for English majors and anyone else interested in locating information about authors and their works.

Internet Resources

American Literature and Culture Resources (Columbia)
This is an exhaustive listing of sites related to American Literature and Culture from Columbia University. Contains American Studies resources, early American materials, nineteenth century materials, New York materials, Literature resources, museums and libraries, teaching resources, religious materials, women's studies materials, and interesting courses.

American Literature Sites
Annotated sites from Washington State University

Contains free online resources with more than 2000 classic texts, study guides, author biographies and interviews, and more. 

A Celebration of Women Writers
This site recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history.

Chaucer Metapage
​This site organizes the many Chaucer pages on the web and provides easy navigation to access these resources.

Documenting the American South
This is a digital publishing initiative that provides Internet access to texts, images, and audio files related to southern history, literature, and culture.

Eighteenth Century Resources on the Net
This is an excellent site for English Literature. Includes extensive listings for the following -- Biblical, classical, medieval, renaissance, restoration,18th Century, romantic, Victorian, 20th century, British, Irish, American, other national literatures, Hypertext, theater and drama, and literary theory.

English Literature on the Web
Here one can fine e-text archives, information on children's books and authors, medieval English literature, Anglo-Saxon literature, information on British authors and literature of various time periods such as the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The Internet Public Library: Literary Criticism  
Contains critical and biographical information about authors and their works.

Labyrinth Library: Middle English 
The Labyrinth provides free access to information in medieval studies with several links to other global servers that connect to databases, services and electronic texts. This site will soon include a variety of new resources such as on-line forums, professional directories and news, on-line bibliographies and an on-line university of teachers and scholars available for electronic conferencing.

Literary Resources on the Net
An excellent web site for literature maintained by Jack Lynch at Rutgers.

A comprehensive English literature website that features literature of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, Seventeenth century, Restoration, and eighteenth century.

Online American Literature Resources
Features the Heath Guide to American Literature Volume I and provides links to general American literature web sites, the colonial period, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, essays on teaching American literature, and more.

Old English Literature 
This site contains works such as Beowulf along with criticism about these works as well as numerous prose, poems and reference works in middle English.

Romantic Circles 
This website is devoted to the literature and culture of the Romantic period.

Shakespeare Resource Center
Contains the best of Shakespeare links on the web to better understand the playwright and his works.

Victoria Research Web
Patrick Leary has created a list of resources for the study of all aspects of Victorian Britain.

The Victorian Web
A very comprehensive resource for Victorian studies which includes primary and secondary texts in British Victorian economics, literature, philosophy, political and social history, science, technology, visual arts, decorative arts and various movements.

Voice of the Shuttle
Created by Alan Lui in 1994, VoS focuses on humanities research. Contains a wide array of resources related to literature, literary theory, classical studies, media studies, and history.