Provides a medium by which a wide range of experiences in the use new technologies in mathematics education can be presented, discussed, criticized & best practice assimilated into the new curricula of schools, colleges & universities.
Includes articles on various topics and research methods in both science and mathematics education addressing common issues, including cross-curricular dimensions.
The International Journal of STEM Education is a multidisciplinary journal in subject-content education that focuses on the study of teaching and learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Focuses on mathematics teachers education in the broader sense. Includes research reports, papers addressing general issues and perspectives, successful pathways, discussions on recent and potential policy decisions, curriculum developments, etc.
The journal examines early childhood, primary, secondary, tertiary, workplace, and informal learning as they relate to science education. There is a 12 month delay with full text articles.
Math magazine for general math students ages 12-16 and their teachers. Articles and activities focus on problem solving, math on the job, consumer math, and computation practice.
Publishes research using historical, philosophical, and sociological approaches in order to improve teaching, learning, and curricula in science and mathematics. There is a 12 month delay with full text articles.
Publishes on the latest issues and trends occurring internationally in science curriculum, instruction, learning, policy and preparation of science teachers. There is a 12 month delay with full text articles.