The boxes below contain curated lists of books.
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Background Information
British authors of the nineteenth century
British children's writers, 1800-1880
British children's writers 1880-1914
British children's writers, 1914-1960
British reform writers, 1789-1832
British reform writers, 1832-1914
The Cambridge companion to Victorian women's writing
The Cambridge history of Victorian literature
A companion to Victorian literature & culture
Encyclopedia of British writers, 1800 to the present
Encyclopedia of the Victorian era
A history of Victorian literature
Nineteenth-century literature criticism
The Victorian literature handbook
Victorian literature and the Victorian state : character and governance in a liberal society
Bleak houses: marital violence in Victorian fiction
Charles Dickens and the Victorian child: romanticizing and socializing the imperfect child
The child, the state, and the Victorian novel
Family ties in Victorian England
Living in sin: cohabiting as husband and wife in nineteenth-century England
In joy and in sorrow: women, family and marriage in the Victorian South, 1830-1900
Inside the Victorian home: a portrait of domestic life in Victorian England
The maternal voice in Victorian fiction: rewriting the patriarchal family
Marriage, duty & desire in Victorian poetry and drama
Precocious children and childish adults: age inversion in Victorian literature
Queer Victorian families : curious relations in literature
The spectacle of intimacy : a public life for the Victorian family
Street urchins, sociopaths and degenerates : orphans of late-Victorian and Edwardian fiction
Ventures into childland : Victorians, fairy tales, and femininity
Work, gender, and family in Victorian England
Youth of darkest England : working-class children at the heart of Victorian empire
The age of eclecticism : literature and culture in Britain, 1815-1885
Bearing the dead: the British culture of mourning from the enlightenment to Victoria
British literature and classical music : cultural contexts 1870-1945
Class, culture and suburban anxieties in the Victorian era
Comedy and culture : England 1820-1900
Cultivating Victorians : liberal culture and the aesthetic
Fictions of affliction : physical disability in Victorian culture
Hatred & civility : the antisocial life in Victorian England
Impossible purities : Blackness, femininity, and Victorian culture
Interdisciplinary perspectives on aging in nineteenth-century culture
A necessary luxury : tea in Victorian England
Personal business: character and commerce in Victorian literature and culture
Posting it: the Victorian revolution in letter-writing
Sexual anarchy : gender and culture at the fin de siècle
Victorian Literature and Culture
Victorian literature and the anorexic body
Victoria's year: English literature and culture, 1837-1838
The body economic: life, death and sensation in political economy and the Victorian novel
Death and the mother from Dickens to Freud: Victorian fiction and the anxiety of origins
Heaven, hell, and the Victorians
Literary remains: representation of death and burial in Victorian England
Poetical remains: poets' graves, bodies, and books in the nineteenth century
Relics of Death in Victorian Literature and Culture
Sex and death in Victorian literature
Bardic nationalism: the romantic novel and the British empire
Bram Stoker, Dracula and the Victorian gothic stage
Elegy for an age: the presence of the past in Victorian literature
Erotic tales of the Victorian Age
Financial speculation in Victorian fiction: plotting, money and the novel genre, 1815-1901
Gender, genre, and Victorian historical writing
History of the gothic: Gothic literature, 1825-1914
Myth and national identity in nineteenth-century Britain
The Novel in the Victorian Age: a modern introduction
Poetry and the thought of song in nineteenth-century Britain
Retreat into the mind: Victorian poetry and the rise of psychiatry
The silver fork novel: fashionable fiction in the age of reform
Traditions of Victorian Women's autobiography: the poetics and politics of life writing
The Victorian age: prose, poetry, and drama
The Victorian short story: development and triumph of a literary genre
Men and Masculinity
Another kind of love: male homosexual desire in English discourse, 1850-1920
Before Wilde: sex between men in Britain's age of reform
A community of one: masculine autobiography and autonomy in nineteenth-century Britain
Dandies and desert saints : styles of Victorian masculinity
Effeminate England : homoerotic writing after 1885
Gender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity
Manly leaders in nineteenth-century British literature
Mapping male sexuality : nineteenth-century England
Masculine desire : the sexual politics of Victorian aestheticism
Masculinity and spirituality in Victorian culture
Men in wonderland : the lost girlhood of the Victorian gentlemen
The new man, masculinity and marriage in the Victorian novel
Nineteenth-century writings on homosexuality: a sourcebook
An age of transition: British politics, 1880-1914
British imperial literature, 1870-1940 : writing and the administration of empire
The crowd : British literature and public politics
Victorian writers and the image of empire : the rose-colored vision
Catholic sensationalism and Victorian literature
Constructions of "the Jew" in English literature and society : racial representations, 1875-1945
The emergence of the Hebrew Christian movement in nineteenth-century Britain
Nineteenth-century religion and literature: an introduction
Primitive minds : evolution and spiritual experience in the Victorian novel
Darwin, Tennyson and their readers : explorations in Victorian literature and science
Literature and medicine in nineteenth century Britain : from Mary Shelley to George Eliot
Literature and science in the nineteenth century : an anthology
Literature, technology, and magical thinking, 1880-1920
Science in the marketplace: nineteenth century sites and experiences
Species, serpents, spirits and skulls: science at the margins of the Victorian Age
Victorian demons : medicine, masculinity, and the Gothic at the fin-de-siècle
Victorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination
Victorians and the machine; the literary response to technology
Victorian science and Victorian values : literary perspectives
Visions of Science: books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian Age
Social Conditions
Aging by the book: the emergence of midlife in Victorian Britain
At the margins of Victorian Britain: Politics, immorality and Britishness in the nineteenth-century
Black Victorians/Black Victoriana
Of Victorians and vegetarians: the vegetarian movement in nineteenth-century Britain
Science, reform and politics in Victorian Britain the Social Science Association, 1857-1886
Victorian scandals: representations of gender and class
Altered states: sex, nation, drugs, and self-transformation in Victorian spiritualism
The haunted mind : the supernatural in Victorian literature
Literary ghosts from the Victorians to modernism
Victorian hauntings : spectrality, Gothic, the uncanny, and literature
Victorian ghost stories: an Oxford anthology
Victorian ghosts in the noontide: women writers and the supernatural
The Victorian gothic: an Edinburgh companion
Victorian Women and Victorian Women Writers
Aestheticism and the marriage market in Victorian popular fiction : the art of female beauty
Bearing the word : language and female experience in nineteenth-century women's writing
Becoming a woman of letters : myths of authorship and facts of the Victorian market
Between women: friendship, desire and marriage in Victorian England
Come buy, come buy : shopping and the culture of consumption in Victorian women's writing
Consuming fantasies : labor, leisure, and the London shopgirl, 1880-1920
Convict voices : women, class, and writing about prison in nineteenth-century England
Fallenness in Victorian women's writing : marry, stitch, die, or do worse
The forgotten female aesthetes : literary culture in late-Victorian England
Imperial Bibles, domestic bodies : women, sexuality, and religion in the Victorian market
Intimate violence and Victorian print culture : representational tensions
Love and the woman question in Victorian literature : the art of self-postponement
The madwoman in the attic : the woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination
Popular Victorian women writers
In science's shadow: literary constructions of late Victorian women
Outside the pale : cultural exclusion, gender difference, and the Victorian woman writer
The trial of woman : feminism and the occult sciences in Victorian literature and society
Women and British aestheticism
Women and literature in Britain, 1800-1900
Women, writing, and the industrial revolution
The women's movement and women's employment in nineteenth-century Britain
Women's writing of the Victorian period, 1837-1901 : an anthology