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Library Guide for SEOP

This guide teaches basic library skills to students in the Summer Educational Opportunity Program.

What's in this Guide?

You have been asked to write a paper for your class on any topic of your choice.
Where do you begin?
How do you come up with the right topic?
Where can you find credible information about your topic?
Are there books or journal/newspaper articles on your topic?
How do you cite your sources in the MLA style?
This guide will answer all of your questions. Proceed by clicking the relevant tabs on the top.


Contents of this Guide:

  • Selecting a Topic
    • How to narrow your topic
    • Search terms for your topic
  • Using SouthernSearch to Find Books
    • Keyword and Subject Searches
    • Basic and Advanced Searching
    • Requesting books from a CSU library
  • Finding Journal Articles
    • General Databases
  • Finding Journals in Buley Library
    • Types of Periodicals
  • Finding Newspaper Articles
  • Evaluating Web Resources
  • Citing Sources in the MLA format

Useful Information

Library Hours

One-on-One Instruction Request

Ask Us

A scanner is available on the main floor of the library near the computers in the Reference desk area. Another scanner is available on the ground floor of Buley Library. Students can scan and send to their email, save to USB, or print scanned items at the  print station. There is no charge for scanning but printing is 8 cents for double-sided and five cents for single-sided in black and white. Color printing is 25 cents single side and 40 cents for double-sided.

3 printers are available on the first floor of Buley Library. One is near the IT Help Desk, one is in the front lobby, and another is with the group of computers near the Reference stacks. To be able to print, you should have money on your Hoot Loot Card. Swipe your card at the print station to get your printout. Printers can scan and copy as well. Hoot Loot card holders can add to their account from the Card Value Center in Buley Library which is located opposite the Check-out counter on the main floor.