Use the new library catalog, SouthernSearch, to locate books. SouthernSearch searches everything, from books to journal articles to e-books. If you have too many results, use the advanced search to be more specific or use the limiters on the left-hand side of the screen to make your search more precise.
You can also use SouthernSearch right from the library's home page.
Remember that you can now see items from all of the CSU campuses, so before you go to the shelf make sure the catalog says the item you want is at SCSU. If you see an item at any of the other campuses that you need, you can request it by signing in with your SCSU network credentials. The book will be shipped here within 3-5 working days.
If you are off campus you will need to enter your university username and password to access these databases.
The best source of scholarly social work articles is Social Work Abstracts.
You can combine Social Work Abstracts with the following databases to search simultaneously:
If the full text article is not immediately available, click on the icon and it will check to see if the full text is available in any of our other databases.
The Cochrane Collection is a very highly respected source of systematic reviews. Cochrane reviews are created by dedicated researchers who prepare systematic reviews for publication. They are very rigorous and are updated often.
This link will take you to the search screen in Ebsco for the Cochrane collection. If you are interested in browsing the collection, visit the Cochran website by clicking here. Fulltext articles are only available via the Ebsco link, so if you see a review you want to access, copy and paste the title into the Ebsco search box.
To find whether a particular journal appears full-text in any of our databases or in the library, enter the name of the journal in the "Find a Journal" search box on the home page. The journal finder will tell you if Buley Library subscribes to a journal or if it is available online in one of the databases.