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Mendeley Citation Manager

How to set up and use the Mendeley Citation Manager

Basic Steps

  1. Create your account at
  2. Download the Mendeley software onto your own computer. (Note: the Mendeley software is not available on the campus lab computers.) The plugins for MS Word and Open Office are available within the Mendeley software.
  3. Install the Mendeley Importer.
  4. Start importing citations with the Importer, by dragging PDFs to the desktop software (or even PDF links!), setting up a Watch folder for PDF downloads, or importing from another citation manager. (See the Getting Started guide below for instructions on all of these options.)
  5. Organize your existing collection of downloaded PDFs.
  6. Use the Word or Open Office plugins to create bibliographies, or generate citations in over 1000 styles within the software for copy/paste.

Note: Mendeley's Web Importer does not work with all of our databases. It works well with EBSCO databases, but not with Proquest, ScienceDirect, etc.

Using Mendeley on campus computers

While the Mendeley software is not installed on campus lab computers, you can still use the service for collection and organization of citations.

  1. Depending on the computer, you may be able to install the Web Importer for the duration of your computer session. Use the Web Importer to import citations from many of our library databases and publisher webpages.
  2. Use the Add Document feature in the web interface (it's under My Library).
  3. Organize your Mendeley Library into folders, with tags, keywords, and abstracts--all searchable.
  4. Search or browse the Mendeley universe of collected citations.
  5. Create and participate in social Groups (try this for your next team project).

You will not be able use the citation formatting features on a public computer. However, if you can find the article in the Papers search, you can use the Cite this Document feature (beta) to format a citation in basic styles.

Don't see the citation style you need?