Hilton C. Buley Library | 8am – 10pm |
Research & Info Desk | 9am – 5pm |
Ask a Librarian Online | 9am – 7pm |
Special Collections and Archives |
9am – 12pm
1pm – 4:30pm |
Contact an Individual Librarian
Note: Chats are recorded. Please DO NOT send ID numbers over chat unless specifically requested.
The stacks are open. You can browse the shelves and bring the books you want down to the check-out desk.
You can find eBooks, articles, journals, streaming videos, and more through our eResources collection found in SouthernSearch. You will need to log in using your Southern email and password.
The stacks are open. You can bring the media you want to the check-out desk.
Course reserves are available for check-out. Most check out for 2 hours for use in the library. To see if we have a textbook you are looking for, go to SouthernSearch.
Electronic course reserves are available to you through SouthernSearch.
To request a scan of 1-2 chapters of course reserves, go to https://southernct.libwizard.com/f/coursereservesrequest. This services is limited and may take up to 3 days to deliver.
Interlibrary loan is available for articles and book chapters even when the building is closed. Articles and book chapters will be emailed to you.
Interlibrary loan for books will be available for pickup at the checkout desk. You will get an email when the materials arrive. Our supply may be limited as a number of other libraries have restricted their lending.
More information about Interlibrary Loan and the form for Interlibrary Loan is available at https://libguides.southernct.edu/ill.
The Reference stacks are closed this semester for your safety. However, books maybe requested online and checked out for 7 days at the Check-out Desk. Alternatively, if there are specific pages you need from a reference book, we can scan and email them to you.
To submit a request, fill out the form here.
Request e-delivery for our print and microfilm collections.
You can request e-delivery of print journals and microform content if you are students, faculty, or staff at Southern Connecticut State University.
After filling out the request form (see below), you will receive a pdf of the content you need through email. You must have a valid SCSU email to submit a request.
The service will be available on weekdays. Requests made over the weekends and on holidays will be addressed on the following business day. All weekday requests will be responded to within 48 business hours.
To submit a request, fill out the form here.
You can also access the request form directly from a print journal or microform record in SouthernSearch. Just click "E-Delivery Request" next to the volume you need.