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National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month and this guide features some of the best poets and their poems.

Author Credit

The online exhibit archived here was created by Librarian Winnie Shyam in 2020.

National Poetry Month Virtual Display

April is National Poetry Month and this is the official National Poetry Month poster from the Academy of American Poets designed by Samantha Aikman, a student who won this year's poster contest. National Poetry Month is celebrated the world over and aims to promote the importance of poetry in our lives. It is also a celebration of the many great poets who have contributed to the realms of poetry. The first presidential proclamation of National Poetry Month was done in April 1996 by President Clinton.

Click on the Online Exhibit tab for a virtual display of poetry books in our collection.

official National Poetry Month poster from the Academy of American Poets

Ingteresting Facts

From the Holidays Calendar Page at

  • The most popular poetry form in the world is the Haiku
  • The longest poem in the world is the Indian epic Mahabharata
  • The shortest poem is ‘The Shortest and Sweetest of Songs’ by George MacDonald. It has just two words – “Come Home.”
  • The oldest poem is the Babylonian Epic of Gilgamesh
  • Poetry can increase your vocabulary
  • World Poetry Day is March 21st