Short stories can be more difficult to track down than long form fiction. They're often published in periodicals or collections and in order to find the story, you have to find out where it was published. The following resources can help.
SouthernSearch: Search by title, author, or key word..
Wikipedia: Search for the short story or the author and then look for the list of the author's writing. Often the periodical or collection will be given. Use that information to search SouthernSearch for the periodical or collection title.
Academic Search Premier: Go into Advanced Search and choose short story under Document Type (you'll need to scroll down). Then search by story title, author, or key word.
Humanities International Complete: Go into Advanced Search and choose short story under Document Type (you'll need to scroll down). Then search by story title, author, or key word.
Project Gutenberg: Search by author, title, or subject.