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Transfer Students' Library Guide

Booking a Study Room

The library currently has 14 rooms available for group or individual study. You can book up to 24 hours in advance for a total of 3 hours a day. You can use the Reserve a Study Room button on the library home page, or go to the page with all of the information about the rooms.

Please note that study rooms are not sound-proofed.

Quiet Study

  1. Please be considerate of others and keep noise to a minimum while in the library. This includes, but is not limited to, excessive talking, cell phone use, radios, music players, loud sound effects on computers/laptops, as well as engaging in any behavior that may disturb library users.

  2. Violators of this policy may be asked to leave the building.

  3. Certain areas are designated as "Quiet" or "Silent" Study areas. Please be especially courteous in these shared spaces!

    • The 2nd/3rd floor Reading Rooms with the Spiral Staircase and Stained Glass Window are Silent Study Areas

      • Take conversations outside.

      • Use headphones. (And be aware that some headphones are quite noisy at loud sound levels.)

      • Set cell phones to vibrate/silent mode.

    • The areas around the bookshelves in the back (street-side) part of the library on the Ground, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors are Quiet Study Areas.

      • Keep conversation to a low level.

      • Turn your cell phone to vibrate/silent mode.

      • Use headphones.

    • Study rooms have doors, but are NOT soundproof.