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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Language Models

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – information from the Associate Dean of Students, Academic Technology & the Office of Online Learning

From the SCSU Associate Dean of Students:

As we enter Fall 2023 faculty have an opportunity to address Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in their syllabi. As GenAI became more accessible during the spring, reports of Academic Misconduct spiked. The best advice the Dean of Students’ office could provide is to encourage faculty to address GenAI from the onset of class. A typical student may have 10 different faculty members throughout the year, each may approach GenAI differently. Some questions to consider: Will you allow students to use ChatGPT, Caktus, Google Bard (to name just a few of the many GenAI tools readily available)?  Will GenAI use be permitted (use is encouraged to generate ideas, edit, etc.)? Or will GenAI use be conditional (students must distinguish their work from GenAI output)? Or will GenAI not be permitted (and is therefore considered Academic Misconduct)? Use of GenAI in the classroom will vary by discipline and by instructor. Transparency and specificity in instructor expectations for students regarding GenAI use for coursework has the potential to benefit instructors, students, and will provide helpful information in the event of reports of Academic Misconduct.

From Academic Technology & the Office of Online Learning: 

As the use of Generative AI has increased in both education and beyond, the Office of Online Learning has created the following page to provide general information on the topic: Generative AI. The page will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.  

AI Tools and Higher Education: Recorded Webinar by Dr. Heidi Lockwood, Philosophy Department & Rebecca Hedreen, Distance Education Librarian