The EBSCO databases are the easiest use with EndNote Web. If possible, use those databases first!
You can import citations for books from within EndNote Web. Click the Collect Tab and go to Online Search. Choose the Library Catalog (SCSU, Yale, or the Library of Congress) you wish to import from. Do a search, then select the records you wish to import from the results list. Importing will add the entries to your EndNote Web collection.
Most databases provide a way to export information that can be added to your EndNote Web collection. Some are easier than others.
In general, you are exporting information from a database which is then imported into EndNote Web. In a few cases, you can search from within EndNote Web and import the information directly.
We'll start with the easiest ones, the EBSCO databases. Further down are instructions for using FirstSearch and ScienceDirect databases, Google Scholar, and a general guide for other databases.
All of the EBSCO databases have a built-in export to EndNote Web.
Once you have found an interesting article, either:
Be sure to choose the Direct Export to EndNote Web option on the Export page. You will be asked to log into EndNote Web, if you aren't already logged in. Your new citations go into the Unfiled folder by default.
It's that simple.
Databases like ScienceDirect, JSTOR, and most Proquest databases are a little more complicated. You need to have the Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser tool bars installed for easy export.
Once you have the toolbars installed, and have restarted your browser, go into the database. We'll use ScienceDirect as the first example.
The steps are the same for JSTOR, using their "Export Citation" links.
In the Proquest databases, like ABI/Inform, Digital Dissertations, and the Newspapers:
Go to your Marked records, and choose Export citations to Endnote, Procite, RefWorks, or Reference Manager.
Most databases with an Export to EndNote option will work in a similar fashion.
In some cases there is no export function in the database you are searching, or the export function doesn't work on your computer. In these cases, you can usually download a text file with the citation information in a format readable by EndNoteWeb. To do this you will first export and download the text file, then import it into EndNoteWeb.
When exporting, choose the format specifically for EndNote/EndNote Web, if available, or an RIS format. It is usually most convenient to save the file someplace easy to find, like the Desktop.
To import
You should see a report above the boxes listing how many records were imported into which folder. The first time you use a filter, and especially if the number of records does not match the number you exported, view the new records to see if there were errors.*
*If you are unable to import your file correctly, or can't figure out which filter to choose, please contact Rebecca Hedreen. The list of filters is limited to databases to which we subscribe or commonly use, but there are many more that can be added if needed. Some suggested filters are given on the websites of other libraries:
It is possible to import a 'tab deliminated' file, which can be created from a spreadsheet or word processing file. Please see the Help File for more information.
It is not, unfortunately, possible to import references from a formatted reference list (for instance, an APA list as a Word document).