Quickly and easily save citations from most of our databases, Google Scholar, library catalogs, and more.
Find and eliminate duplicate entries.
Organize citations by project, chapter, publication, topic, or any other classification you find useful. (Or more than one!)
Add notes, keywords, etc. for easier retrieval and project planning.
Share with colleagues.
With over 3,300 styles available, chances are your journal's style is covered.
If you have used another citation manager in the past (EndNote, Refworks, Procite, etc.), you can import those citations into EndNote Web.
Plain Word files, however, do not import well. You can format existing documents into machine readable styles, but it's probably easier to find and import citations from databases or Google Scholar, and manually enter any additional references.
You can use EndNote Web to share citations with students for course readings, special projects, honors thesis, or graduate work.
EndNote Web can be used to teach good searching and citing habits. Students can
Get familiar with the faults of EndNote Web (like article capitalization problems) so that you will recognize them when they happen.
You can share with anyone who has an EndNote Web account, just knowing the email address they used for the account.
Colleagues at schools without EndNote Web subscriptions can get limited accounts through ResearcherID, though it may be easier to use a non-subscription product like Mendeley.
Use this checklist to set up your own computer to make best use of EndNote Web.
For individual help, a class instruction session, or a departmental workshop, contact Distance Learning librarian Rebecca Hedreen.