Encyclopedia of U.S. Campaigns, Elections, and Electoral Behavior
REF JK2281 .E53 2008
Encyclopedia of American Political Parties and Elections
REF JK 2261 .S218 2006
Encyclopedia of American Political History
REF E 183 .E48 2001
Encyclopedia of Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms
REF E 176.1 .R6 2004
Encyclopdia of U.S. Political History (ONLINE)
America Votes: Election Returns By State REF JK 1967 .A8
America at the Polls: Presidental Elections 1798-2004 REF JK 1967 .A44
Guide to U.S. Elections REF JK 1967 .C662
Presidential Elections: 1789-2008 REF JK 528 P75 2010
Statistical History of the American Electorate REF JK 1967 .R87