Evidence Based Medicine is "the process of systematically finding, appraising and using the best
available research findings, integrated with clinical expertise, as the
basis for clinical decisions about individual patients." (Black's Medical Dictionary, 41st Edition (2006).) Essentially, it's getting the best information, backed up by the best science, that you need for dealing with patients and their treatment.
An Evidence Based article or guide should give you a specific description of the condition being referenced, an overview or summary of the current research, and guidelines for treatment or the conclusions of the study (X is/is not indicated for this condition).
The References will contain the most relevant articles on the topic. These are the ones that you should check if you need more detail than is given in the EBM article or guide. Use the journal finder to see if we have subscriptions to the journals in the references.
Be careful of dates. Because of the nature of EBM, you will want the most recent research, and EBM guides may be superceded as new research comes out. In general, the last 5 years is a good guideline for anything in medicine, but be sure to check that you have the most recent EBM guides for your topic. In most databases you can sort by date.