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Library Instruction Guide for Faculty: Instruction for FYE/INQ Classes

Learn about our library instruction offerings.

Instruction for INQ Students

We are extremely excited about working with first-year students! INQ 101 instructors are expected to schedule their class(es) for an introduction to the library, which will help them along in their FYRE projects. Students will get a quick, general overview of the library, plus time to work on their project.

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What Should FYE Students Know?

This is a list of things that we think every first year student should know about the library:

1) where the library is

2) the difference between the Research & Information Desk, the Check Out Desk, and the IT Help Desk

3) how to log in for off-campus access/course reserves/requests

4) the difference between the open internet and the library’s scholarly online article databases

5) that there is a subject librarian for every major, and how to contact those librarians

6) how to use SouthernSearch to find a variety of library resources and start to differentiate between them

7) how to cite the resources they find