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Library Instruction Guide for Faculty: Library Instruction at Southern

Learn about our library instruction offerings.

Set up an Instruction Session

To schedule an instruction session, click here to fill out our instruction request form or contact your librarian directly using the list below.

Instruction Contacts

Accounting Amy Jansen
Anthropology Lisa Bier
Art Tina Re
Biology Rebecca Hedreen
Chemistry Diana Hellyar
Communication, Media, and Screen Studies Susan Clerc
Communication Disorders Susan Clerc
Computer Science Diana Hellyar
Counseling/School Psychology Karla Jones
Curriculum Lab Karla Jones
Curriculum & Learning Karla Jones
Earth Science Diana Hellyar
Economics/Finance Amy Jansen
Educational Leadership Karla Jones
English Susan Clerc
Environment, Geography, & Marine Sciences Lisa Bier
Health & Movement Sciences / HealthCare / Health Sciences Rebecca Hedreen
History Patrick Crowley
Information & Library Science Karla Jones
Journalism Susan Clerc
Management/MIS/International Business Amy Jansen
Marketing Amy Jansen
Marriage & Family Therapy Lisa Bier
Mathematics Diana Hellyar
Media Studies Susan Clerc
Music Wendy Hardenberg
Nursing Rebecca Hedreen
Philosophy Wendy Hardenberg
Physics Diana Hellyar
Political Science Lisa Bier
Psychology Rebecca Hedreen
Public Health Rebecca Hedreen
Recreation, Tourism, & Sport Management Hayley Battaglia
Social Work Lisa Bier
Sociology Lisa Bier
Special Collections Patrick Crowley
Special Education & Reading Karla Jones
Theatre Tina Re
Women's and Gender Studies Kari Swanson
World Languages Jacqueline Toce 

Library Instruction for Classes

Buley Library offers a variety of library research instruction opportunities in the use of its resources and services to all members of the University community. The Subject Specialist Librarians provide course related and individual instruction, teaching students how to better locate, evaluate, and use information, in order to become independent, life-long learners. We offer a wide range of ways to get your students doing research correctly and efficiently. All library instruction can be adjusted for remote learning and online classes.

    • General library building tour with a brief introduction to library services. 
    • Meet your librarian! The librarian comes to your smart classroom for a brief discussion of subject-specific resources and further opportunities for assistance, including one on one research appointments.
    • General introduction to library services and polices (logging in from off-campus, using online reserves, etc.)
    • The open Internet and research - the difference between the general internet and scholarly resources. Evaluation of online resources. When and why to use library resources as opposed to the general internet. 
    • How to locate books in SouthernSearch, the library catalog. Includes Boolean logic, keyword vs. subject heading, and how to request items from other CSCU libraries.
    • How to locate periodical articles in online databases. Includes selecting a database, the best strategies for searching a database, and differentiating between scholarly and non-scholarly articles.
    • Advanced library research. Writing a literature review. Differentiating between types of scholarly articles.
    • EndNote Web. Students learn to use our citation software.
    • Library Lab. Allows students time to work on a research assignment while the librarian is present and able to provide assistance if needed. 
    • Introductory tour of the Artists Books Collection. Should not be combined with other types of instruction. Contact Tina Re for more information.

Library Instruction for Individuals

If you feel that most of your students are competent in the library, but a few need specialized assistance, please be aware that librarians will meet with individuals or small groups. If you feel they all need more help, but you don't have the time to devote an entire class to the library, you could require your students to meet with a librarian and provide proof in the form of an email or official appointment through SSC Campus. We can also provide in-depth research consultation sessions. Contact your subject librarian for more information.

You can also direct your students to our Library Tutorial.