Academy for International Health Studies (AIHS)
An educational, marketing and business organization serving global healthcare providers and payors.
American International Health Alliance (AIHA)
AIHA operates under a cooperative agreement with the Agency for International Development (USAID). AIHA establishes and manages partnerships between health care institutions in the United States and their counterparts in Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union.
Center for Global Development rates wealthy governments on how much they help poor countries via seven key linkages: aid, trade, investment, migration, environment, security, and technology.
Childinfo - UNICEF Monitoring the Health Data for Women and Children
UNICEF monitors the health issues of children and women and helps countries collect and analyse their health data.
Detailed health statistics on the EU and countries applying for EU admission.
Global Health Observatory (GHO) - WHO
WHO's portal provides access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. The GHO presents data from all WHO programmes and provides links to supporting information.
Examines national health systems from 1960-2010 for OECD member countries. Essential tool for health advisors and researchers.
WHO Global Infobase - WHO
This database collects and disseminates information on chronic diseases and their risk factors for all WHO member countries.
WHO Regional Office Statistics
Each office provides a database with access to regional statistics, demographic tables, health and Core indicators.
World Bank: Health Nutrition Population Statistics
Provides key health, nutrition and population statistics provided by various international sources.
World Health Organization: Global Burden of Diseases
Global Burden of Disease analysis provides a comprehensive and comparable assessment of mortality and loss of health due to diseases, injuries and risk factors for all regions of the world.
World Health Organization: Health Report
Every year the WHO issues a report on global health with an emphasis on a particular subject. The next World Health Report will discuss the contributions of research to universal health coverage.
World Report On Violence and Health - WHO
Comprehensive review of the problem of violence on a global scale – what it is, whom it affects and what can be done about it.