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This is a brief guide to Open Research and Contributor Identification (ORCID)
  • Registration for ORCID is free of charge and your iD will follow you throughout your career. Visit the ORCID website to register
  • Upon registration, your 16-digit ORCID iD is randomly assigned. This number will stay with you whether you change your name, change disciplines, or move to another country. This persistent digital identifier distinguishes you from other researchers, and ORCID also provides a record that supports automatic links among all your professional activities. Your ORCID iD and connections are stored in the ORCID Registry, in an account you own and manage.
  • Use your iD whenever you’re prompted to do so by trustworthy systems, such as manuscript submission or grant applications, to link these organizations to your record. You can also add it to your institutional profile page, email signature, and more. 
  • You always have control over what is in your record, and what is publicly available. You can change your record’s visibility settings at any time.