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Literature and the Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities Videos

These links to Digital Humanities videos on YouTube were put together by Professor Mary Brown.

My Digital Humanities - Part 1 [3:42]
Published on Oct 11, 2016
This video features six professionals in the field of Digital Humanities, who explain what Digital Humanities mean to them (Stéfan Sinclair - McGill University, George Rockwell- University of Alberta, Laura Mandell - Texas A&M University, Bryan Carter - University of Arizona, Claire Clivaz - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Bill Endres - University of Oklahoma). The video is the first in the series 'My Digital Humanities' produced as part
of the #dariahTeach project, an online platform for teaching 'Digital Humanities' funded by an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership EU grant.

My Digital Humanities - Part 2 [3:44]
Published on Oct 26, 2016
Toma Tasovac from the Belgrade Center for Digital Humanities gives his own definition of digital humanities in this second part of 'My Digital Humanities' series. In this video, Toma addresses both sides of the Digital Humanities coin. On the one hand, he argues that DH runs the risk of becoming a 'decontextualiser of the traditional humanities turning everything into conveyor belt scholarship'. On the other hand, he believes that
DH enables deeper and more meaningful engagements with our (digitised) cultural heritage in ways and forms that were not available before.

My Digital Humanities - Part 3 [3:51]
Published on Nov 2, 2016
This is the third video in the series 'My Digital Humanities' featuring Kenneth Price (University of Nebraska), Elena Pierazzo (Université Grenoble Alpes), Elli Bleeker (University of Antwerp), Patricia Murrieta Flores (University of Chester), and James Cumming (University of Oxford)

My Digital Humanities - Part 4 [3:58]
Published on Dec 1, 2016
This is the fourth video in the series 'My Digital Humanities' featuring Roderick Coover (Temple University), Angel D. Nieves (Hamilton College), Kathryn Sutherland (University of Oxford), Marjorie Burghart (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), and Paul Eggert (Loyola University Chicago)

The Digital Humanities in Oxford University [4:48]
Published on Jun 6, 2014
Specialists in the digital humanities from across the University talk about what this exciting field means to them, and how the use of digital technology in the humanities isallowing whole new fields of research to emerge.

DH Tools (videos)
Humanities + Digital Tools: Palladio [6:53]
Published on Apr 23, 2015
This video in the Stanford Humanities + Digital Tools series features "Palladio," a webbased platform that allows humanities scholars to easily upload data and explore it through a variety of visualizations. Learn more at

Humanities + Digital Tools: Text Technologies [7:16]
Published on Apr 24, 2015
This video in the Stanford Humanities + Digital Tools series presents “Text Technologies,” a digital humanities project that combines the history of the book and digital humanities to investigate the long history of the “text” from the earliest period of human communication to the present. For more information, visit:

Humanities + Digital Tools: Writing Rights [7:33]
Published on Apr 23, 2015
This video in the Stanford Humanities + Digital Tools series presents "Writing Rights," a digital humanities project that is visualizing the evolution of ideas that informed the creation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. For more information, visit

DH Research (videos)
Humanities & Social Justice [8:39]
Published on Nov 23, 2016
This is the fourth video in the #dariahTeach series 'My Digital Humanities in Practice 'eaturing Angel D. Nieves, Professor of Africana Studies and Digital Humanities at Hamilton College, US. In this video, Angel talks about black spatial humanities, a field that tries to find out more about the history of African-descended people globally and the ways which Digital Humanists can begin to look at forms of institutional racism that
have shaped African diaspora's experiences. He gives examples of his 3D visualisation work that looks at the ways in which the Apartheid government imposed restrictions to African-descended people and how such lost histories can be effectively communicated
to a wider audience.

DH in Practice - Visualising Text [5:48]
Published on Oct 19, 2016
This is the first video in the series 'Digital Humanities in Practice' featuring Geoffrey Rockwell, Professor of Philosophy and Humanities Computing at the University of Alberta, Canada and Stéfan Sinclair, Associate Professor of Digital Humanities at McGill University, discussing text visualisation in digital humanities emphasising that visualisation is not end product but an intellectual process of thinking and interpreting
text. Interactive visualisations, uses of visualisation for narrative, physical computing, video games, and Pokemon Go are also discussed.

DH in Practice - Mixed Reality and Social Engagement [4:33]
Published on Dec 8, 2016
This is the fifth video in the #dariahTeach series 'My Digital Humanities in Practice' featuring Tamar Gordon, Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US. In this video, Tamar talks about Augmented Reality as a tool that can make history come alive, while helping us to interpret cultural-historical environments and reflect upon our own experience and subject position within our own society.

DH in Practice: Gender and Stylistics [3:53]
Published on Jun 27, 2017
This video features Laura Mandell, Professor of English and Director of the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture at Texas A&M University. She discusses the flawed binary nature of stylometric algorithms used to detect gender and illustrates these flaws by discussing the work of Mary Wollstonecraft.

DH Lectures (videos)
Introducing the Digital Humanities: New Research Methods for Graduate Students [1:12:44]
Published on Jun 25, 2012
Featuring Jo Guldi (Brown University), Andrew Stauffer (University of Virginia), Charlotte Cubbage (Northwestern University), and Martin Mueller (Northwestern University). Northwestern University, May 24, 2012. Sponsored by the English Department and theKaplan Institute for the Humanities.

Digital Humanities Curriculum and (Inter)Disciplinary Change [59:37]
Published on Mar 28, 2013
Ray Siemens, Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing, University of Victoria speaks at the New Directions for Digital Scholarship conference on Friday, March 1, 2013.

How Not to Teach Digital Humanities [48:35]
Published on Jan 28, 2015
Kelvin Smith Library 2014 Digital Scholarship Colloquium How Not to Teach Digital Humanities, Dr. Ryan Cordell, Assistant Professor of English, Northeastern University 11/7/2014
Dr. Cordell's talk encourages teachers to move beyond DH qua DH and instead think strategically about digital pedagogy in relationship to particular classes, curricula, and institutions. His talk will focus on specific courses, assignments, and strategies that have worked well (and a few that haven't) in his own classes in three distinct institutional contexts.

Freedman Center for Digital Scholarship

Humanities in the Digital Age [2:04:22]
Published on Apr 21, 2016
What is happening to the intellectual field called the humanities? Powerful political and corporate forces are encouraging, even demanding science and math-based curricula to prepare for a globalized and technological world; the astronomical rise in the cost of higher education has resulted in a drumbeat of complaints, some which question the value of the traditional liberal arts and humanities. And of course, and far more
complexly, the emerging storage and communications systems of the digital age are transforming all fields of knowledge and all knowledge industries. Middlebury College provost Alison Byerly and Harvard University psychology professor Steven Pinker addressed how the humanities will cope with these challenges. MIT Communications Forum director David Thorburn moderated.