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Literature Research & Critical Theory

This guide is for English majors and anyone else interested in locating information about authors and their works.

Literature Journals

Here is a list of important Literature journals in Buley Library. Check Journal Finder to see if these journals are available in print or online.


Title of Journal

Title of Journal

Title of Journal

African American Review


Modern Language Journal

American Drama


Notes and Queries

American Literature

Fantasy and Science Fiction

Notes on American Literature

American Literary Realism

Faulkner Journal

Notes on Contemporary Lit.

American Literary Scholarship

Fiction International


American Poetry Review

Gothic Studies

Papers on Lang. and Literature

American Scholar

Harvard Review

Poetics Today

ANQ: American Notes and Queries

Hemingway Review


Anglo-Saxon England

Henry James Review

Renaissance Forum

Asian American Literary Review

International Journal of English Studies

Renaissance Quarterly

Atlantic Monthly

James Joyce Quarterly

Research in African Literatures

ATQ: American Transcendental Quarterly

Journal of English and Germanic Philology

Review of Contemporary Fiction


Journal of English Studies

Review of English Studies

Black American Literature Forum

Journal of Modern Literature

Romance Notes

Canadian Literature

Journal of Victorian Culture


Chaucer Review

Joyce Studies Annual

Seventeenth Century

Chicago Review

Language and Literature

Shakespeare Bulletin

College Literature

Literary Review

Shakespeare Newsletter

Comics Journal

Literature Film Quarterly

Shakespeare Quarterly

Contemporary Literature

Marvels and Tales

Shakespeare Studies

Contemporary Review

Mediaeval Studies

Southern Literary Journal

D.H. Lawrence Review

Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England

Studies in American Fiction

Dickens Quarterly

Milton Quarterly

Studies in American Indian Lits.

Early American Literature

Milton Review

Studies in 18th Century Culture

Early English Studies

Mississippi Quarterly

Studies in Eng. Lit. 1500-1900

Edgar Allan Poe Review

Mississippi Review

Studies in Romanticism

Eighteenth Century

MLN: Modern Language Notes

Studies in Short Fiction

Eighteenth Century Fiction

Modern Language Quarterly

Studies in the Humanities

Eighteenth Century Studies

Modern Language Review

Studies in the Literary Imagination

ELH: English Literary History

Modern Language Studies

Studies in 20th and 21st century Lit.

Emily Dickinson Journal

Negro American Literature Forum

Studies in 20th Century Literature

English Historical Review

New England Review

Victorian Literature and Culture

English Language Notes

New Literary History

Victorian Poetry

English Literature in Transition

Nineteenth Century Fiction

Victorian Studies

English Review

Nineteenth Century Literature

Virginia Woolf Miscellany

English Studies

North American Review

World Literature Today

English Today

Midwest Review

Yale Journal of Criticism

Essays in Medieval Studies

Modern Drama

Yearbook of comparative and gen literature

Eugene O’Neill Review

Modern Fiction Studies

Yearbook of English Studies