Here is a list of important Literature journals in Buley Library. Check Journal Finder to see if these journals are available in print or online.
Title of Journal |
Title of Journal |
Title of Journal |
African American Review |
Explicator |
Modern Language Journal |
American Drama |
Extrapolation |
Notes and Queries |
American Literature |
Fantasy and Science Fiction |
Notes on American Literature |
American Literary Realism |
Faulkner Journal |
Notes on Contemporary Lit. |
American Literary Scholarship |
Fiction International |
Novel |
American Poetry Review |
Gothic Studies |
Papers on Lang. and Literature |
American Scholar |
Harvard Review |
Poetics Today |
ANQ: American Notes and Queries |
Hemingway Review |
Anglo-Saxon England |
Henry James Review |
Renaissance Forum |
Asian American Literary Review |
International Journal of English Studies |
Renaissance Quarterly |
Atlantic Monthly |
James Joyce Quarterly |
Research in African Literatures |
ATQ: American Transcendental Quarterly |
Journal of English and Germanic Philology |
Review of Contemporary Fiction |
Ariel |
Journal of English Studies |
Review of English Studies |
Black American Literature Forum |
Journal of Modern Literature |
Romance Notes |
Canadian Literature |
Journal of Victorian Culture |
Romanticism |
Chaucer Review |
Joyce Studies Annual |
Seventeenth Century |
Chicago Review |
Language and Literature |
Shakespeare Bulletin |
College Literature |
Literary Review |
Shakespeare Newsletter |
Comics Journal |
Literature Film Quarterly |
Shakespeare Quarterly |
Contemporary Literature |
Marvels and Tales |
Shakespeare Studies |
Contemporary Review |
Mediaeval Studies |
Southern Literary Journal |
D.H. Lawrence Review |
Medieval and Renaissance Drama in England |
Studies in American Fiction |
Dickens Quarterly |
Milton Quarterly |
Studies in American Indian Lits. |
Early American Literature |
Milton Review |
Studies in 18th Century Culture |
Early English Studies |
Mississippi Quarterly |
Studies in Eng. Lit. 1500-1900 |
Edgar Allan Poe Review |
Mississippi Review |
Studies in Romanticism |
Eighteenth Century |
MLN: Modern Language Notes |
Studies in Short Fiction |
Eighteenth Century Fiction |
Modern Language Quarterly |
Studies in the Humanities |
Eighteenth Century Studies |
Modern Language Review |
Studies in the Literary Imagination |
ELH: English Literary History |
Modern Language Studies |
Studies in 20th and 21st century Lit. |
Emily Dickinson Journal |
Negro American Literature Forum |
Studies in 20th Century Literature |
English Historical Review |
New England Review |
Victorian Literature and Culture |
English Language Notes |
New Literary History |
Victorian Poetry |
English Literature in Transition |
Nineteenth Century Fiction |
Victorian Studies |
English Review |
Nineteenth Century Literature |
Virginia Woolf Miscellany |
English Studies |
North American Review |
World Literature Today |
English Today |
Midwest Review |
Yale Journal of Criticism |
Essays in Medieval Studies |
Modern Drama |
Yearbook of comparative and gen literature |
Eugene O’Neill Review |
Modern Fiction Studies |
Yearbook of English Studies |