Use SouthernSearch to locate information in our library. SouthernSearch provides simple one-stop searching for books, e-books, journal articles, videos, digital media, and more.
Enter your search terms in the box provided and click on "Search". The default is to search everything at SCSU but you can choose other options by clicking on the down arrow and making your selection. You can search the SCSU catalog for books, articles/ebooks, course reserves, and you can also search all the other CSCU libraries.
The Search Strategy Builder is a tool designed to teach you how to create a search string using Boolean logic. While it is not a database and is not designed to input a search, you should be able to cut and paste the results into most databases’ search boxes.
Now copy and paste the above Search String into Southern Search!
The Search Strategy Builder was developed by the University of Arizona Libraries and is used under a Creative Commons License, via Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh at Georgia State.
Below is a screenshot of a search for "Obama and speeches". To find an encyclopedia on art, type "art encylopedia" in the search box. To locate an encyclopedia on inventions, type "inventions encyclopedia".
For the most part, basic searches will retrieve the results you need. Use Advanced Search for more search options to limit or focus your search. Advanced Search presents limiters and expanders to help refine your search. The advanced search option, for instance, allows you to combine multiple search terms with "and" or "or" for more effective searches.
Example: Facebook and (privacy or security or identity theft)
The advanced search option allows you to limit your search by date, by format, and by language.
Note: Books on Art are shelved in the "N" section. Books on Architecture are in the NA section and books on photography are in the TR section. Check the Reference collection on the main floor, the regular stacks, and the Oversized collection on the third floor for books in these subject areas. Oversized books generally have a lot of photographs and illustrations. A good source for speeches is "Vital Speeches of the Day", a publication that is available full-text via the EBSCOhost History Reference Center and EBSCOhost Master File databases from 1934 on. Type "moments in history" to find books on important historical moments.
Books placed on Reserves are at the Check-out Desk.