Southern Search is the library's discovery platform. You can use it to search for articles, books, and other materials that are held at Southern or at our sister institutions (CCSU, WCSU, ECSU) as well as the state community colleges and the state library. The materials in the colleges and universities are available to request in SouthernSearch directly and they can be delivered to Southern through courier to the circulation desk. Formulate your searches in the same way with keywords that you did in LLBA. The 10 minute video at the bottom of this page explains how to use SouthernSearch. Since SouthernSearch searches many databases at once, you will definitely need to use the facets on the left side of the screen to narrow your search. Here is the search we performed in LLBA.
This tutorial will show you how to use SouthernSearch to find books and other materials, how to request books from another CSCU library, how to save records to print, email, or cite information, and where to go for additional help.