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ENV 220 - Global Climate Change: Climate Change Information by Country

Environmental data, climate change predictions, mitigation and adaption strategies

Basic Country Info

Historical, political, economic, geographical, and cultural data:

More country info, and more sources, are available in this guide by Social Sciences Librarian Lisa Bier:


In SouthernSearch, the library catalog, you can search for books, videos, articles, and government reports on topics and countries or regions, such as:

The links above show only those items available at SCSU or online. To see items at the other CSCU Libraries, change the drop down on the results pages from 'Southern Connecticut State University' to 'CSCU Library Consortium'. Available books at the other CSCU Libraries can be ordered using the 'Request' links or buttons--login by changing the campus to Southern and using your MySCSU login.

Try your own search.

Environmental Data from Governmental Sources

A wealth of data is available from the UN and related organizations. In many cases, actual data sets are available for download, as well as reports and interpretations.

Search Journal Articles & Reports

Just enter a country name to do a search; "climate change" is already included by default. You can add additional terms and modify the search after reviewing the initial results.

Enter a country name for "climate change" search
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Historical articles

JSTOR is a unique article database that includes journals going back to the 1600s. You can search for historical articles on your countries by adding the country name and a word or phrase for your topic, such as 'South Africa water'.

Remember that many countries have changed their names over the years, and that phrases such as 'climate change' have only been in use for a few decades.