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Open Access & Open Educational Resources for Journalism

Journalism Titles

Below is a selective list of OA or OER books relating to journalism. So that you can read reviews and summaries, the links go to the book's entry in the collection I found it in: Web Literacy for Student Fact-Checkers goes to the book's entry in BC Commons, Data Journalism Handbook goes to that book's entry in Directory of Open Access Books, etc. There is overlap among collections and each collection yields between a dozen and a million hits for a simple search of "journalism". 

Journalism Searches

The links below are search strings for journalism topics in Mason OER Metafinder, MERLOT, and OASIS. Results include textbooks, book chapters, assignments, lesson plans, syllabi, journal articles, websites, government documents, images, posters, charts, and other material.






Open Access Article Collections

OA & OER Courseware Collections

Almost all of the resources listed here are searched by the Mason OER Metafinder and/or one of the other aggregators (MERLOT, OASIS, etc.) and include lesson plans, homework assignments, lectures, full courses, syllabi and more.

Open Access at Buley

Many Open Access journal articles and books can be found through SouthernSearch by using the Open Access limiter on the search results page:

SouthernSearch on the Library Home Page


Search results with Open Access limiter

Open Access materials are indicated by the words Open Access and the orange OA logo:

Open Access results