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How to Submit Materials

Buley Library has both a print and electronic course reserve service available to Southern faculty. You have 2 options to begin the reserve process. You can stop at the Check Out Desk and ask for the print forms.  Your second option is to access the forms online and e-mail them to us or bring the forms to the library. Be sure to complete all information on the forms and indicate your name(s) and the course information. Indicate if you want the items to be available only in electronic format,  print format, or both print and electronic formats.

Electronic Reserves are accessible through the library's online catalog.


All material submitted to our Reserve Services may be protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S. Code) which governs reproduction, distribution, public display and certain other uses of protected works. We may refuse to put scanned articles, book chapters, and the like on reserve if we feel it violates copyright. All submitted material should be used solely for instruction purposes and follow the Fair Use Provisions.

Next Steps

You should bring the Reserve materials to the Check Out Desk, located on the first floor of Buley Library.

You can also send PDF files or links to All Reserve materials are processed in the order they are received. Items are generally processed within 2 business days. During busy times we will ask you to prioritize your requests and will process items that are needed for your next class assignment.

Buley Library's Electronic Reserve Services will accept the following:

  • PDF Files
  • Links to online material
  • Journal or Newspaper Articles in our subscription databases
  • Media (DVD, CD, VHS)
  • Class Notes
  • Course Syllabi
  • Government Publications
  • Student Papers (with Permission)
  • Sample Tests and Exams

Provide the best image or paper copy for scanning. Some material may not be suitable for electronic reserves, but a print version can be used instead. Provide us with the following:

  1. Clean, high quality copies
  2. 8½ x 11 inch paper with a ½ margin on all sides
  3. Single-sided copies only
  4. No Staples or holes

Buley Library's Print Reserve Services will accept the following:

  • Books/Publications
  • Media (DVD, CD, VHS)
  • Student Papers (with Permission)
  • Sample Tests and Exams