Major/Subject Area |
Primary |
Secondary |
Communication Disorders |
A scholarly article that reviews various key studies on the relationship of music to brain function. |
An ABC news report on Representative Gabrielle Giffords relearning words with the help of music. |
Phipps, Marion A., Diane L. Carroll, and Anastasia Tsiantoulas. “Music as a Therapeutic Intervention on an Inpatient Neuroscience Unit.” Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice 16 (2010): 138–142. |
Moisse, Katie. “Gabby Giffords: Finding Words Through Song.” ABC, Nov. 14, 2011.
Exercise Science |
Scholarly journal article reporting the results of a survey done of injuries reported by female soccer players. |
In depth report about injuries in college sports. |
Schiff, Melissa A., et al. “Soccer Injuries in Female Youth Players: Comparison of Injury Surveillance by Certified Athletic Trainers and Internet.” Journal of Athletic Training 45 (2010): 238-242. |
Sander, Libby. An Epidemic of Injuries Plagues College Athletes. The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 9, 2011, online. |
Nursing |
A research survey that was conducted to explore scheduling and fatigue among nurses. |
An article from the Wall Street Journal about the study. |
Trinkoff, Alison M., at al. “Nurses’ Work Schedule Characteristics, Nurse Staffing, and Patient Mortality.” Nursing Research 60 (2011): 1-8. |
“When Nurses Catch Compassion Fatigue, Patients Suffer.” The Wall Street Journal, January 3, 2012. |
Public Health |
A research study showing how the brain responds to high fat foods. |
A blog post about the study. |
Johnson, Paul M. and Paul H. Kenny. “Dopamine D2 receptors in addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats.” Nature Neuroscience 13 (2010): 635-641. |
Greviskes, Amber. “Fast Food As Addictive As Heroin, Study Confirms.” COGIC Family Services, March 6, 2012. |
Recreation, Tourism, and Sport Management |
A scholarly article reporting on research on the impact of horseback riding on children with autism. |
An article on a blog about research being done at an equine therapy facility. |
Bass, MM, CA Duchowny, and MM Llabre. "The effect of therapeutic horseback riding on social functioning in children with autism." Journal Of Autism & Developmental Disorders 39, no. 9 (2009): 1261-1267. |
“Research May Provide Support for Horse Therapy.” Animal Health Foundation Blog, December 27, 2012. |
Social Work |
Scholarly research article measuring the impact of the 1990s welfare reforms. |
A policy statement from the National Association of Social Workers. |
H. Luke Shaefer and Marci Ybarra. “The welfare reforms of the 1990s and the stratification of material well-being among low-income households with children.” Children and Youth Services Review 34 (2012): 1810–1817. |
“Welfare Reforms Have Hurt Poorest Americans.”, 9/14/2012. |