Library databases are purchased for SCSU students, faculty, and staff. The library has different databases that contain articles, videos, music and art.
When embedding an article link into your course or other documents, you aren't able to simply cut and paste the link found in the URL (web address). There is a syntax you need to follow. Usually, adding a permalink to your course readings follows copyright procedures with no headaches!
An example of how to get a permalink for an article can be found below.
This tool will add coding to a persistent link or to a DOI Name found in a database that will allow it to be used from outside the SCSU campus network if it is not already embedded in the URL.
Please Note: Putting a URL through the Off-Campus Access Link Generator will not allow non-SCSU affiliates to access online library-licensed resources. Only SCSU students, staff, and faculty with a valid SCSU MyApps login have remote access to library-licensed electronic resources.