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Industry Reports in Statista

ABI/Inform Industry Reports

First Research Industry Profiles in ABI/Inform are a good place to start researching U.S. industries. These reports are high-level overviews of U.S. industries. Click on the correct access link above and follow these instructions to find First Research Industry Profiles.

  • Select “Publications” (to the right of “Basic Search”)

ABI/Inform menu

  • Search for “First Research Industry Profiles” and select
  • In the “Search within this Publication” field, enter in key words for your industry and search
  • This will produce a list of First Research Industry Reports on your industry.  To get more specific add keywords (ie “Restaurant” and “fast food”).

You can sort your results by date or relevance.

Business Monitor International Industry Reports, also in ABI/Inform, are have reports for industries in countries that are not the U.S.

  • Select "Browse" (to the right of "Basic Search")

ABI/Inform menu browse

  • Look under first heading "Industry and Market Research"
  • Select "Business Monitor International (BMI) Industry Reports"

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Use and enter your product or industry and you can find in-depth information that you may miss or be unavailable in other databases.