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Southern Connecticut State University
SCSU Hilton C. Buley Library
Library Guides
United States History - Primary Resources
Women's History
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United States History - Primary Resources
Pre-Colonial America -1607
The Colonial Era 1607-1775
The American Revolution 1775-1783
The New Republic 1783-1800
The Age of Jefferson 1800-1815
Westward Expansion 1800-1860
Andrew Jackson's America 1815-1840
National Expansion and Reform 1815-1860
Civil War 1861-1865
Reconstruction 1865-1877
Gilded Age & Progressive Era 1865-1890
World War 1914-1918
Roaring 20's 1920-1929
Great Depression 1929-1939
World War II 1939-1945
Korean War 1950-1953
Vietnam War 1961- 1975
Cold War Era 1945-1990
African-American History
Civil Rights
General Resources
American Imperialism
Native Americans
United States Presidents
Progressivism 1900-1918
Women's History
Hispanic/Latino Americans
United States Women's History
"She is More to be Pitied than Censured" Women, Sexuality and Murder in 19th Century America
17th Century Colonial New England with Special Emphasis on the Essex County Witch-Hunt of 1692
19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote, 1920
The 1920's
4000 Years of Women in Science
Accessible Archives 18th & 19th Century Periodicals
Across the Generations: Exploring U.S. History Through Family Papers
African-American Women Online Archival Collection
Duke University
African American Experience in Ohio, 1850 - 1920
African American Women Writers of the 19th Century
Agents of Social Change, 20th Century Women's Activism
Alcohol, Temperance, and Prohibition
America: History and Life (Ebsco) SCSU Access Only
American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN)
American Social History by Eras and Decades: 19th Century America
American Women's Dime Novels, 1870-1920
American Women's History: A Research Guide
American Women's History: A Research Guide/African-American Women
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Asian-American Women
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Jewish Women
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Latinx and Hispanic Women
American Women's History: A Research Guide/LGBTQ+
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Pornography and Sex Work
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Reproduction, Family Planning and the Debate over Abortion
American Women's History: A Research Guide/Violence Against Women
American Women's History: Subject Index to Research Sources
Library of Congress
Aphra Behn Society - Celebrating Women in the Arts 1660-1830
Archival Materials of Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton Now Online
Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)
Archiving Early America
Ardent Spirits: the Origins of the American Temperance Movement
The Avalon Project at Yale 19th Century Documents
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: A History of American Sweatshops, 1820 to Present
Beyond Nancy Drew: Literature in the Sallie Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture
Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936 to 1938
A Brief History of Beauty and Hygiene Products
Business of Beauty: A Resource Guide
Carnegie Mellon University Libraries - Women's History: Primary Sources
Carol Norton (1808-1877)
A Century of Law Making for a New Nation: U.S. Congressional Documents and Debates 1774-1875
Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum
Civil War Women
Colenda, the Penn Libraries Digital Repository
Crusade for the Vote: National Association of Colored Women
National Women's History Museum
Crusader and Feminist: Letters of Jane Grey Swisshelm: 1858-1865*
Dime Novels and Penny Dreadfuls
Documenting the American South
Domestic or Sentimental Fiction, 1820-1865
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton Papers
Library of Congress
Emma Goldman Papers
Emma Spaulding Bryant Letters - Duke University Special Collections Library
Experiencing War: Stories from the Veterans History Project
Female Nobel Prize Laureates
Feminist Theory Website
First Person Narratives of the American South
A Flowering of Affection: Victorian Valentine Cards at the Lilly Library
Frederick Douglas Papers at the Library of Congress
Frederick Engels (1820-1895) Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
From Domestic Goddesses to Suffragists: The Story of Women Told on Bookbindings, 1820 - 1920
From What was Domesticity to Modernity: What was Home Economics?
From Wollstonecraft to Mill: What British and European Ideas and Social Movements Influenced the Emergence of Feminism in the Atlantic World, 1782 - 1869?
Gender Roles in the 19th Century
George Grantham Bain Photographic Collection
Gerritsen Collection: Women's History Online
Godey's Lady's Book
H-Women Internet Links
Half the People: 1917-1996 (PBS)
Hannah Arendt Papers at the Library of Congress
Hannah Valentine and Lethe Jackson Slave Letters, 1837-1838 From the Campbell Family Papers
HarpWeek: Explore History Cartoons
Harriet Jacobs: Select Writings and Correspondence
Harriet Jacobs: Select Writings and Correspondence
Hartford Courant Historical Archive 1774 - Current
SCSU Access Only
Harvard University Library - Working Women, 1800-1930
Hearts at Home: Southern Women in the Civil War
Heaven will Protect the Working Girl: Immigrant Women in the Turn of the Century
Historical Publications of the United States Commission on Civil Rights
The History of Romance
Home Economics Archive: Research Tradition History (HEARTH)
Housework in Late 19th Century America
How Did Women Needleworkers Influence New Deal Labor Policies in Puerto Rico?
How to Make it as a Woman: Collective Biographical History from Victoria to the Present
How Women May Earn a :Living by Helen Churchill Candee, 1891
An Individualist Feminist Compendium With Emphasis upon 19th Century America
Internet Sites for Teaching American History with Primary Source Documents
Internet Women's History Sourcebook
In Their Own Words: Women’s Petitions to Congress
Center for Legislative Archives
Jane Addams Hull House Museum
Jewish Women's Archive
Karl Marx/Wage Labour and Capital, the original 1891 pamphlet
Karl Marx 1867: From Capital Vol I part IV, The Production of Relative Surplus Value, Ch. 15: Machinery and Modern Industry. Section 3a -- The Employment of Women and Children
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels/Proletarians and Communists, from the Communist Manifesto
Larcom, Lucy. "Among Lowell Mill-Girls: a Reminiscence," Atlantic Monthly 48 (Nov. 1881)
Lawrence Strike of 1912
Lawrence Strike of 1912: "We Want bread, but we want Roses Too"
The Library Company of Philadelphia - American History & Culture of the 19th Century
Library of Congress Research Guides: American Women History
Lucy Parsons: Woman of Will - Industrial Workers of the World Leader
Making of America (MOA)
Making of America, Cornell University
Margaret Sanger Papers Project (The)
Mary Harris "Mother" Jones
Memories of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Military Resources: Women in the Military
Military Women Veterans
Miller NAWSA Suffrage Scrpbooks, 1897-1911
Mothers in Uncle Tom's America
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth (1850) Dictated by Sojourner Truth (ca. 1797-1883); Edited by Olive Gilbert
National Collaborative for Women's History Sites
National First Ladies' Library
National Historical Geographic Information System
National Labor Relations Board - National Labor Relations Act (1935)
National Museum of Women in the Arts
National Women's Hall of Fame
National Women's History Alliance
National Women's History Alliance, Living the Legacy
National Women's History Museum
New York Public Library Digital Library Collections
New York Times Historical Archives 1851-2001*
SCSU Access Only
The Nineteenth Century in Print: The Making of America in Books and Periodicals
Not for Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Not Just a Housewife: The Changing Role of Women in the West
On the first day of October in 1789, Martha Ballard heard that Rebecca Foster, the wife of the Reverend Mr. Isaac Foster, had accused Hallowell's local judge, Joseph North, of rape.
On the Lower East Side: Observations of Life in Lower Manhattan at the Turn of the Century
Our Documents
Oyez LII Supreme Court Resources
Pathfinder for Women's History in the National Archives
Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1800/Accessible Archives*
People with a History An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans* History
Places Where Women Made History
Portraits of a Ladies' Strike: Perspectives of the Uprising of the 20,000
Prints and Photographs Online Catalog
Rape and Sexual Power in Early America
Recruitment of Female Operatives - an Account from the 1840s
Rubenstein Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library: Duke University
Sabotage - by Elizabeth Gurley Flynn
Sally Bingham Center for Women's History and Culture
Sarah Grimke, Angelina Grimke
Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe College
Selected Historical Documents Online--Women, The National Archives
The Seneca Falls Declaration Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1848
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Society for the Study of American Women Writers
Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, Women's History Manuscripts
Sources in U.S. Women's Labor History -- The Tamiment Library & Robert F Wagner Labor Archives
Standards for the Employment of Women in Industry. Washington : G.P.O., 1921
Studies, Treatises, Union Publications and Vocational Texts, 1845 - 1970s (Number 76)
Studies in Scarlet: Marriage and Sexuality in the U.S. and U.K., 1815-1914
The Subjection of Women -- Full text of John Stuart Mill's famous book, 1869
Suffragists Oral History Project
Supreme Court Decisions 1937 - 1975
Susan B. Anthony Papers
Library of Congress
Teaching & Learning Guide for: How Should We Look at Rape in Early America
Teaching American History
Temperance & Prohibition
Tenement Museum
The Trade Union Woman
Travel Where Women Made History
A Treatise on Domestic Economy: for the Use of Young Ladies at Home, and at School. By Miss Catherine E. Beecher
The Triangle Factory Fire
The U. S. Department of Labor - Bureau of Labor Statistics
U. S. Department of State: Office of Global Women's Issues
Uncle Tom's America
University of Washington's Social Issues Photographs Digital Library
Upstate New York and the Women's Rights Movement
Victorian Dress Reform
Victorian Women's Writers Project
A Vindication of the Rights of Women With Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects by Mary Wollstonecraft
Votes for Women: Selections from the National Women's Suffrage Association, 1846-1921
Webster, George Washington. A Physiological basis for the Shorter Working Day for Women. Washington: G.P.O., 1921.
A Week in the Mill, From the Lowell Offering (1845)
Wild Western Women: Ladies on the American Frontier
With the Compliments of the Season: An Online Exhibition of Victorian Holiday Cards in the Lilly Library
A Woman's Work is Never Done
Woman Suffrage Cartoons
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Historical and Primary Sources
Women's Bureau (U.S. Government Department of Labor)
Women's History in Wisconsin
Women's History Month, Federal Resources for Education
Women's History Month, Library of Congress
Women's History Resources
Women's History Sources: A Guide to Manuscripts and Archival Collections in the United States*
Women's Liberation Movement Print Culture
Women's Studies Online Resources
Women's Suffrage: Photographs, Posters & Memorabilia
Women's Suffrage: Pictures of the Suffragists and Their Activities
Women's Travel Writing
Women, Enterprise & Society
Women and Marxism
Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000
Women in America, 1820 - 1842
Women in History at the Clements Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Women of Protest - Photographs from the Records of the National Women's Party
Women Working, 1800-1930
Women Working, 1870-1930 a Digital Collection of Primary Sources for Teaching, Learning and Research
Worcester Women's History Project
Yale University Women's Studies Research
Women's Studies Database Film Reviews
Progressivism 1900-1918
Asian-Americans >>