The System Libraries have put together a website with more information about OER, OpenCSCU at
Use the chat service on the OpenCSCU website or contact our OER Librarian, Rebecca Hedreen or your Subject Librarian here at Southern:
Open Access Week is celebrated each year at the end of October. Organizations all over the world celebrate open access, and promote the benefits that open access brings to education, scholarship, and research.
Open Education Week, the first week in March, is a world wide celebration of open educational resources and projects.
'Open Access' refers to the availability of the item--do you have to pay to read or view the resource? All the resources showcased in this exhibit are 'Open Access', and are available on the web for free. Many open access resources are 'as-is', viewable, but not changeable.
'Open' alone refers to the ability to modify the item--can you remix, reorder, add to, and subtract from the resource? Only some of the resources in this exhibit are 'Open'. Look for the information about the license under which the item is published. All 'Open' resources are 'Open Access'.
Here are a few places to start searching for open access materials and open educational resources:
Contact me, or your subject librarian, or have a look at the new System Libraries Project, OpenCSCU:
This web exhibit is an on-going project. If I haven't covered your subject area yet or you're looking for something specific, please contact me.
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